Saturday, May 29, 2010

One last word...

For some reason everyone lately has been saying how much they hate camping and it has been making me way mad! Not to diss on anyone who has said this in the recent like day, but I've gotta stand up for camping some time. Where would be my principles? To set the record straight, camping is the best thing in the world. I have yet to have a negative experience while camping. Yet on vacation in, lets say, California you have lots negative experiences. So according to Daniel Faraday's theory, camping is better cause no negative things happen. Yes non-campers, I realized that there aren't bathrooms, yes, I realized that there aren't credit card machines. Thank goodness for "Lost"and their theories or else I would be stuck with all the "Others" saying that camping is the worst thing ever.
In lue of this, I think I'm going to go camping soon. Thank you pessimistic people for helping me get outside more.
The Gap

1 comment:

  1. Remember camping at Flaming Gorge? The flashlights hanging from the tent! Awesome.
