I love my husband.
He gets my first love post because he is that cool. Bradford and I go way back. We met in ninth grade geometry at MPJH. We latched on to each other because we were both new kids and kind of losers. From that point on, we were best friends. Whether we were dating or not, we always found a reason to text or hang out. During his mission we never missed a week of writing, even though we were doing our separate things. I was loving Utah State, he was working hard in the mission field, but we found we still loved each other, probably more than the day he left. I am so grateful things worked out for us and that I married my best friend (as cheesy as that sounds).
So this post is dedicated to my sweet husband. Thanks for putting up with me. I am stubborn, competitive, emotional and much more, but he treats me like royalty; everyday He is the best, really, the best. Love you Husband...

Graduation 2007

Serving away in the midwest
You guys are cute!!! Ness I'm hoping someday I will see you again. Glad to see how ridiculously happy you are though, seriously. Love you!