So we are supposed to eat produce, and I enjoy eating produce, but why is it so expensive? Secondly, I enjoy eating produce, but how often must I eat it? Too often...Only because if you don't, it ends up rotting...and smelling. We buy different types of produce when we go to the grocery store to experiement what we will eat. I will eat broccoli, apples, nectarines and squash for the most part. Bradford will eat whatever is available really. He just doesn't want anything to go bad. We struggle with bananas because I don't eat mine fast enough so they rot...there is just too much produce to get through! So because of this problem we end of having meals like this one pictured below:
Yes, that is frozen pizza, grapes, spaghetti squash, and broccoli. It was yummy, but a very weird combination. Welcome to dinner in our humble abode. I guess we will continue struggling through the battle that is produce. Luckily it tastes good!!
P.S. We're headed to the farmers market on Saturday morning...better be seeing you there!
Topic #2WE LOVE SUPER NINTENDO!! Except that we can't reach a save point on Donkey Kong so we keep getting a game over. That means we have to start over from our last save point, which in this part of the game, is far away. Bradford is trying to reach the next save point while I blog from campus. Good luck honey!! (Sorry the picture is a little blurry)