To start off, my cute wife loves sleep.
Loves it.
When 10:30 rolls around, wife is ready for bed.
A short time ago my buds and I went to the Rocket Summer concert for BNO with the D-7 (Boys Night Out, Destructive Seven) I've had boys nights before, but this one was different. I went to the concert (which was really good by the way) and we had a joyous time. But when 10:30/11 rolled around, I started missing wife like crazy. I knew when the concert would be over she would be asleep however. But I still wanted to get home to her so bad. I kept hoping that Bryce would stop playing and end the concert already so that I can hurry and get home. Once it ended, my buddies took me home and I sprinted up to our apartment around midnight. I opened the door to my cute wife laying on the couch waiting for me. As fun as the concert was, coming home to a wife waiting for me topped the concert by a long shot.
Now I know why people get married.