Saturday, June 16, 2012

Elleanor Mae

We haven't blogged in a long time and we apologize.  Nothing significant happened in our lives, so don't worry.  Well, nothing significant until June 11, that is.  It happened like this... (if you don't want to read the story, feel free to skip ahead for pictures). 

I (Jenessa) had a great pregnancy.  I really did not mind being pregnant at all.  The last couple weeks however were very long and uncomfortable.  Towards the end my blood pressure decided to get really high which caused super bad head aches and bed rest.  The baby's due date was June 20 though, so I knew I just had to buckle down and finish strong.  So I went to my normal doctors appointment at 4:00 on June 11 expecting my doc to tell me things look good, but stay on bed rest and things should start happening here in the next week or so.  Bradford normally doesn't come to doctors appointments with me because all you do is get weighed, pee on a stick, and ask any questions you may have, but luckily he decided to go with me to this one.  The doctor asked how I was feeling and I told her the head aches were getting worse but I was good etc.  She decided to do an ultrasound to see if my fluid levels could be causing the head aches, not just the high blood pressure.  She did the ultrasound and discovered that there was almost no fluid around the baby and that baby girl decided to be breech.  Because there was no fluid, baby could not flip around and needed to come out asap.  The doctor told us that baby girl would be coming tonight via c-section and to head downstairs to get suited up.  We were shocked to say the least.  I could not stop crying and was so scared for baby and myself.  I was not planning on a c-section so I had no idea what was going to be taking place.  At the same time we were so excited and could not believe we were going to be having our little girl in just a few short hours. 

Well, long story short, they monitered baby and me for a while, then at 9:30 p.m., sent me off to get anethesia.  Bradford then joined us in the surgery room and at 10:01, Elleanor was born.  She came out bottom first, then legs, then after a few tugs, her head popped out.  She weighed 7 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long.  I don't remember a lot about the rest of the night, but I remember holding her and thinking how amazing it was that just a couple minutes ago she was living in me!  How crazy is that?  Maybe it is just me that can't get over that concept, but I am still in awe with the whole process.  Elle was such a pleasant baby in the hospital and was so alert and looking around at all her visitors.  She has been SO much fun to have at home.  We kind of feel like we are just playing house, and life will go back to normal soon.  Turns out this is our new normal!  So there ya go...the semi long story of our Elleanor Mae.  Here are some pictures of her first four days of life! 

Heading back to surgery.  Bradford is pumped
Elle says hello to the family

First bath.  She did so good

 New family
 On her way home!

 Finally home and in her nursery

 First bath at home

 Pooped after her first day home.