I recently had surgery on my right wrist. Other than my tonsils at age three, i have never undergone surgery. Needless to say, it did not go quite as expected.
First off, it needs to be said that I think I am way more tough than I really am. Like what takes a "normal" person to heal will only take me half the time. Or it won't hurt that bad cause I can stand pain. I was actually planning on playing in on soccer game the night of my surgery (didn't happen). Obviously I was proven wrong...
Also, it should be said that I am typing this while on lortab with one hand, so if it doesn't make sense, thats why.
So I went into surgery feeling a little scared, but nothing too bad. I was just ready for it to be over. I went through the routine stuff (paperwork, weight, blood pressure,etc) just fine. Then came the iv...
I pass out very easily. Once in high school I passed out after giving blood and got a concussion. I have passed out cause I panicked swallowing pills or just from pain. So when it was time for the iv, I was trying so hard to tell myself I was fine and make me feel better. The iv went in and I didn't feel a thing...but then I peaked. I was not ok with a tube being in my body. I looked at Bradford and told him I was going, after that I don't remember a thing. He said I was shaking so they wheeled me to surgery, put the anesthesia in and did the surgery. This is good because I didn't feel the surgery, but bad because I hate not remembering anything! Oh well, i'll definitely take not feeling it over not remembering it.
Anyways, I woke up with a bulky cast on (which I was not expecting). Everything about this surgery was a surprise. I am so glad they took care of the problem, but I am having a hard time with recovery. I am right handed so it is very hard to use my left hand. I can't straighten my fingers at all or twist my wrist. This has resulted in Bradford doing my hair, helping me dress, undoing anything with a lid, and so much more. I am so dependent on him right now. I mean I love that he is here and helping me, but I wish I could do things on my own. I'm impatient and very independent so Bradford keeps saying this is good for me...maybe he is right. Anyways, what I thought was going to be a dinky little surgery with a 24 hour recovery has turned in to so much more. I go back to teaching tomorrow so we'll see how that goes considering I can't write! Wish me luck!

Random picture, i know. This is from our cruise but it shows our new favorite thing to do: monopoly deal. If you have not played it, come over and we'll play with you. We play at least one round before we go to bed every night, I'm the reigning champ :)

This is my brother Ty. He is really cute despite what this picture might show. He just got his mission call! He leaves on June 1 to Monterrey Mexico. I'm so proud of him!